
01.08.23 Picture of the month

G. horridispinum VoS 882

01.07.23 Picture of the month

G. ragonesei VoS 3167

01.06.23 Picture of the month

G. meregallii VoS 1486

01.05.23 Picture of the month

G. achirasense var. villamercedense VoS 182

01.04.23 Picture of the month

G. poeschlii VoS 204

01.03.23 Picture of the month

G. neuhuberi VoS 912

01.03.23 Gymnocalycium convention

The 37th International Gymnocalycium Symposium of the Arbeitsgruppe Gymnocalycium Germany takes place in Dresden, Germany from September 01st to September 03rd, 2023. Events.

01.02.23 Picture of the month

G. ponomarevae VG 988