
01.09.24 Picture of the month

G. ritterianum VoS 2482

01.08.24 Picture of the month

G. acorrugatum VoS 2514

01.07.24 Picture of the month

G. cardenasianum subsp. pseudoarmatum VoS 1973

01.06.24 Picture of the month

G. mihanovichii VoS 13

01.05.24 Picture of the month

G. taningaense VoS 877

01.04.24 Gymnocalycium convention

The 37th International Gymnocalycium Symposium of the Arbeitsgruppe Gymnocalycium Germany takes place in Dresden, Germany from August 30st to September 01rd, 2024. Events.

01.04.24 Picture of the month

G. ritterianum subsp. acentracanthum Be 162-665

01.03.24 Picture of the month

G. orientale var. vikulovii VoS 2604