Field numbers
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Page 2 of 357 (displaying 10 of 3561 entries)
- VoS 3399: Frailea cataphracta
- country: Paraguay
- dept./prov.: Cordillera
- habitat: Ita Moroti
- altitude: 211 m
- added: 2024-10-31, modified: 2024-11-01
- VoS 3398: Notocactus schumannianus
- country: Paraguay
- dept./prov.: Paraguari
- habitat: Cerro Acahay
- altitude: 551 m
- added: 2024-10-31, modified: 2024-11-01
- VoS 3397: Frailea spec.
- country: Paraguay
- dept./prov.: Paraguari
- habitat: Ybycui
- altitude: 194 m
- added: 2024-10-31, modified: 2024-11-01
- VoS 3396: Notocactus oxycostata var. occidentalis
- country: Paraguay
- dept./prov.: Paraguari
- habitat: Ybycui
- altitude: 219 m
- added: 2024-10-31, modified: 2024-11-01
- VoS 3395: Frailea friedrichii
- country: Paraguay
- dept./prov.: Cordillera
- habitat: West of Itacurubi
- altitude: 200 m
- added: 2024-10-31, modified: 2024-11-01
- VoS 3394: Gymnocalycium fleischerianum
- country: Paraguay
- dept./prov.: Cordillera
- habitat: West of Itacurubi
- altitude: 200 m
- added: 2024-10-31, modified: 2024-11-01
- VoS 3393: Frailea spec.
- country: Paraguay
- dept./prov.: Paraguari
- habitat: South of La Colmena
- altitude: 316 m
- added: 2024-10-31, modified: 2024-11-01
- VoS 3392: Discocactus hartmannii
- country: Paraguay
- dept./prov.: San Pedro
- habitat: South of San Estanislao
- altitude: 198 m
- added: 2024-10-31, modified: 2024-11-01
- VoS 3391: Echinopsis rhodhodricha
- country: Paraguay
- dept./prov.: ConcepciĆ³n
- habitat: Northeast of Paso Horqueta
- altitude: 89 m
- added: 2024-10-31, modified: 2024-11-01
- VoS 3390: Frailea melitae
- country: Paraguay
- dept./prov.: ConcepciĆ³n
- habitat: Northeast of Paso Horqueta
- altitude: 89 m
- added: 2024-10-31, modified: 2024-11-01