Gymnocalycium in habitat  \  Gymnocalycium hamatum F. Ritter

Gymnocalycium hamatum F. Ritter

Gymnocalycium hamatum was discovered by Friedrich Ritter near Palos Blancos, Bolivia in 1958. He validly described the plant in "Kakteen in Suedamerika" Band 2: 663-664, 1980 (Cacti of South-America, vol 2 p663-664, 1980). Up to now G. hamatum was only ever found near its type habitat Palos Blancos. The plants are easily distinguished from G. megatae. Argentina-based G. marsoneri (Province Salta) are closely related to these plants.

G. hamatum
Habitat VoS 67 near Palos Blancos Bolivia, Altitude 864m We found plants with a diameter of up to 180 mm Rare unification The thorns are light brown to auburn
Habitat VoS 67 near Palos Blancos Bolivia, Altitude 864m We found plants with a diameter of up to 180 mm Rare unification The thorns are light brown to auburn
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