Cactus Austria
, homepage of Hannes Proschko. Featuring a lot of pictures of different cacti. (ENG / GER)
Quite a lot of new descriptions were published by G. Neuhuber, a specialist in all things Gymnocalycium from Austria. His homepage
A lot of interesting
pictures about genus Gymnocalycium
by Takashi Shimada from Japan. (ENG / JAP)
homepage of the Dutch-Belgian Society of Cactus-and Succulent Amateurs
(ENG / NL)
More interesting
information about genus Gymnocalycium
by Ulrich Creutzburg from Cottbus. (ENG / GER)
Achim Hecktheur`s
homepage. (ENG / GER)
Cactus and Succulent Plant Mall
, everything for growers of cacti and Succulent plants. (MULTILINGUAL)
The first
electronic magazin
concerning the genus Echinocereus, a really good and informative page by Martina and Andreas Ohr. (ENG / GER)
South American cacti page
by Franz Kuehhas. (ENG / GER)
homepage of the
Kakteenverein Ortsgruppe Solothurn
, Switzerland (GER)
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